Complaints Handling – Genoss.
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Complaints Handling

Step 1: Initial Verbal Contact Are you dissatisfied or have questions? We request that you contact us by phone at 085 – 666 522 29 | 06 – 10 88 20 04, via email at, or through the complaints form. Preferably, please send a photo of the treated area and mention your name. The assistants or Mr. Sediqi of Genoss Aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands will be happy to speak with you to find a solution to the confusion, disappointment, questions, or problems. If necessary, a follow-up appointment with the doctor will be scheduled.

Genoss Aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands takes every complaint seriously. Timely notification gives Genoss Aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands the opportunity to find a good solution together with you. Genoss Aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands always wants to learn, and your complaint helps us to optimize the quality of our care and services.

Step 2: Complaints Officer If you cannot reach a resolution with the treating physician at Genoss Aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands, you can submit your complaint to Mrs. E. Akiloglu, temporary complaints officer at Genoss Aesthetic Distributor in the Netherlands in Almere. Her email address is, and she will contact you as soon as possible to inform you about the next steps. This involves registering the complaint with The independent complaints officer from Erisietsmisgegaan will handle your complaint further.

If you cannot reach a resolution with Erisietsmisgegaan, you can turn to the dispute committee of Erisietsmisgegaan.

Note: Satisfaction with the results of treatments is separate from payment in installments. We will always strive to achieve the result you have in mind, which is why we value an extensive conversation beforehand and the necessary aftercare.


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